Wednesday, March 26, 2014

' World's Weirdest Bird ' - And You Think the Mockingbird is Something !

' World's Weirdest Bird ' - And You Think the Mockingbird is Something  !

Post by Birds.

As we admire our favorite hummers they know how much we love them, but just so they don't get too cocky there are other interesting birds out there - that you probably never saw - or heard -of. Like the Superb Lyrebird - it mimics and fools over 20 other bird species, while doing a darn good job doing same for a car alarm, chainsaw and - you name it.SEE TO BELIEVE!   That' s right. SEE it. While the Mockinbird isn't unnatractive, the Lyre is pretty proud of his (yes, they're males) peakcock-like plumage , in addion to his mating calls, which can be like the sweetest whistle / music... (PLEASE CLICK ON ABOVE TO HEAR THE LYREBIRD IN ACTION)

The Superb Lyrebird (Menura novaehollandiae) is a pheasant-sized Australian songbird, measuring approximately 100 cm (39 in) long and weighing around 1 ...and you thought our Mockingbird was the cat's meow, if you will... This one's got it all... 

 Birds, Superb Lyrebird, Mockingbird, songbird, car alarm, Australia, Birders, Peacock

 ' World's Weirdest Bird ' - And You Think the Mockingbird is Something  !

Hummingbirds seemed to have opened a pandora's box at our FACEBOOK site

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